That was space shot.Lemme tell you what happened there.Oh well,my cousin sis and I lined up for about an hour to ride this FREAKY thing...before us,we saw people riding and thought,THOUGHT that it must be fun. when it was our turn, ( haahahahahahah) the thing slowly went up and I started to shiver when it only reached half of the tiang LMAO and it goes up and up and up and then STOPPED. and it suddenly brings you down. and can you believe it,I was shrieking (AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!) worse than this.(like ppl kena rape or something =X worse than that) My whole heart was thumping like mad and I thought my heart gonna stop beating soon and Im gonna die there AHAHAHAHA then the machine stopped I came down and got no voice at all *gulps* and yeah,my heart was gone LOL...and shun yi( my faraway cousin a.k.a lim jing's cousin) told me I was the only one shrieking like mad up there..many people was looking at me (so malu weyyy) imagine more than 100 people down there watching you screamlike mad...and she also said there was a malay lady,saw me shrieking and said YA ALLAH lollllllllllllll (malu malu) Im not gonna sit this anymore LOL... and luckily when kae.v called me I got my voice back LOL but didnt talk tho.cant hear his voice.line was bad =\
The 3 of us =D
Me:Can't you see Im taking?see how pretty XD
me & my cow =D
With the Genting map( in case we gets lost) haahahahh
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